The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly June 2014

| July 12, 2014

Asian EFL Journal Quarterly Volume 16 Issue 2 June 2014

  1. Yihsiang Kuo& Tzu-Yu Chou. Effects of Text Shadowing on Taiwanese EFL Children’s Pronunciation
  2. Tun-Whei Isabel Chuo & Shu-chin Helen Yen. The Learning Journey of College At-Risk EFL Students in Taiwan: An Exploratory Study
  3. Hsiu Ju Lin, & Shu-Yun Yang. An Investigation of EFL Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Motivation Orientations—A Case Study
  4. Kyle Nuske. “It is very hard for teachers to make changes to policies that have become so solidified”: Teacher resistance at corporate eikaiwa franchises in Japan
  5. Abdur Rashid. The Frequency of use and Perceived effectiveness of Memorization Vocabulary Learning Strategies among university students of English Literature as a major in Pakistan
  6. Sean Sutherland. Team teaching: Four barriers to native English speaking assistant teachers’ ability to model native English in Japanese classrooms
  7. Sahail Asassfeh. Are Logical Connectors (LCs) Catalysts for EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension?
  8. Naoko Taguchi. Personality and Development of Second Language Pragmatic Competence
  9. Yi-hsuan Lin, Yu-Ching Tseng, & Tzu-yi Lee. From Reading to translation- the effects of L1/L2 supplementary reading on Taiwanese university students’ translation performance
  1. Learning to Read Across Languages: Cross-Linguistic Relationships in First- and Second-Language Development
    Keiko Koda and Annette M. Zehler
    Reviewed by Anna Husson Isozaki
  2. Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms: Integrating Form-Focused Instruction in Communicative Context
    Hossein Nassaji and Sandra Fotos
    Reviewed by Karim Sadeghi, Mohammad Jokar, & Ali Soyoof

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Category: AEFLJ, AEFLJ 2014