Asian EFL Journal Volume 24 Issue 6 November 2020

| October 31, 2020
  1. Guzyal Kassymova and Hatime Çiftçi
    The Effect of CLIL Training on Turkish EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs and Attitudes towards CLIL
  2. Rui Lei and Joseph Levitan
    Motivating and demotivating factors of game-based learning approaches in Chinese college students’ spoken English learning: A case study
  3. Bridget Goodman and Laila Abdimanapova
    Alignment, Challenge, and Agency: EFL Teachers’ Perspectives on Trilingual Education and Curriculum Reform in Kazakhstan
  4. Trần Thị Ngọc Yến
    A Comparison of Wordlists and Flashcards as Vocabulary Instruction Techniques for EFL Learners

Book Reviews

  1. Bunga Ayu Wulandari
    Book Review: East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education, by Jim King and Seiko Harumi (eds.), Multilingual Matters: Bristol, UK, 2020. pp. 892.
  2. Marilyn Lewis
    Book Review: Rejecting the marginalized status of minority languages: Educational projects pushing back against language endangerment, by Ari Sherris and Susan D. Penfield (eds.), Multilingual Matters: Bristol, UK, 2019. pp. 168.

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