Asian ESP Journal Volume 17 Issue 6.1 October 2021
- Abdus Samad, Abdul Karim Khan and Saqib Mahmood
Demotivating Factors in English Language Learning: The Case of Pakistani Undergraduate Level Students - Li Fang Ning
Factors Affecting the English Language Proficiency of Filipinos - Roderick Julian Robillos
Digital Argument Mapping within Metacognitive Approach: Its Effects on EFL Learners’ Writing Achievement and Self-Regulation of Learning - Kent Adnil C. Lao, Madzrima K. Pulalon, Helengrace A. Lao and Maria Socorro Yvonne H. Ramos
When classrooms become virtual: Challenges and coping mechanisms of prospective teachers - Lamhot Naibaho and Bernadetha Nadeak
A Comparison of Female and Male English Lecturers’ Working Performance and Competence: A Research-Based on Students’ Perspective - Ma. Theresa L. Eustaquio, PhD
Developing a Communicative Competence Assessment Packet for Student-Nurses - Marvin C. Casalan, Shella D. Delgado and Ruzel B. Espino-Paller
Counting boys and girls in pages: A Critical Discourse Analysis of gender
representations in Science and Mathematics Textbooks - Maria Roxainne O. Nuñez and Shela S. Rosales
Inclusive Education: Perceptions and attitudes among Filipino high school teachers - Danilo T. Dinoy, Ericson O. Alieto, Junnette B. Buslon, Rebie Marie E. Matildo and Manuel R. Tanpoco
Pedagogic Code-Switching in a Multilingual Classroom: Perceptions and Reasons of ESL Teachers - Criselda Dela Rama Ricohermoso
Entering the Digital Classroom, Leaving the Physical One: Analyzing Teachers’ Attitude toward Virtual Teaching, Technological Competence and Willingness - Presley V. de Vera, DCOMM
Restructuring Gender Roles During The Covid Pandemic: The Experience of LGU Employees - Jimmylen Zuñiga-Tonio
Exploring Learning Biases Through Artificial Language Learning Paradigm: The Role of Harmonic and Regularization Bias in Multilingual Child Learners’
Nominal Word Order - Santri E. P. Djahimo
An Investigation of EFL Teaching Practices in Indonesian Rural Schools
Category: 2021 AESPJ, AESPJ