EILJ Volume 14 Issue 1 2019
- Language and Identity: How Do Different Aspects of an L2 Identity Correlate With Spoken English Ability in Japanese High School Students?
David Chevasco - L2 Writers Construct Identity through Academic Writing Discourse Socialization
Wenqi Cui - Subject-Auxiliary Inversion in Embedded Questions in Spoken Professional Discourses: A Comparison of Philippine English Between 1999 and 2016-2019
Leonardo O. Munalim - Exploring the Filipinization of the English Language in a Digital Age: An Identity Apart from
Other World Englishes
Orlyn Joyce D. Esquivel - Macau or Macao? – A case study in the fluidity of how languages interact in Macau SAR
John Wheeler - Problematizing the Commodification of ESL Teaching in the Philippines: Mediating Expectations, Norms and Identity(ies)
Aiden Yeh
Category: EILJ-2019