EILJ Volume 15 Issue 2 2020
- Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs
Arya Parakkate Vijayaraghavan
Dishari Chattaraj - Attitudes towards Pronunciation Issues in Three Kachruian Circles
Mohammad Amin Mozaheb
Abbas Monfared - A Case Study of Constructivist Learning and Intercultural Communicative Competence in English-majoring Pre-Service Teachers
Ngoc Tung Vu - The Pragmatics of Articles in Outer Circle Englishes: Some Theoretical and Pedagogical Considerations
Ridwan Wahid - Challenges and Importance of Teaching English as a Medium of Instruction in Thailand International College
Keow Ngang Tang - EFL Learners’ Perceptions on Different Accents of English and (Non)Native English-Speaking Teachers in Pronunciation Teaching: A Case Study Through the Lens of English as an International Language
Karolin Candan
Dilek Inal - Changing Contours: The Interference of the Mother Tongue on English Speaking Sylheti Bengali
Arpita Goswami
(Erratum: Republication of previously published paper in EILJ, 2020, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 100-134 due to IPA font distortions that occurred in the publication process)
Category: EILJ-2020