Linguistics Journal Volume 13 Issue 1 2019
Foreword by Biljana Čubrović
Research Articles
- The Spanish particle eh in talk-in-interactions
Ariel Vázquez Carranza - A Metonymic-based Account of the Semiotic Status of Proverbs: Against the “Deproverbialization Thesis”
El Mustapha Lemghari - A Corpus Study of Stance Adverbs in Modern Mandarin Chinese: yexu, keneng, and haoxiang
Yiting Hsieh & Barry Lee Reynolds - Sentence Length in Education Research Articles: A Comparison between Anglophone and Turkish Authors
Tanju Deveci - Assessing Discourse Markers in Dictionaries for Italian Learners of English as L2
Patrizia Giampieri - Attitude Markers in Book Reviews: The Case of Applied Linguistics Discourse Community
Akram Nayernia & Farzaneh Ashouri - The Effects of a Sentence Completion Task vs. a Sentence Generation Task on Vocabulary Learning: an Exploratory Study
Zaha Alanazi - The Rule of Law and the Threat of Civil Disobedience in Hong Kong: Metaphorical Structures in Local Media Coverage
Winnie Cheng & Jennifer Eagleton
Research Note
- Morality, Language Use, and Ontogenesis: Vygotsky and Shotter Revisited
John F Ehrich & Richard O’Donovan
Category: Linguistics Journal