Asian ESP Journal Volume 13 Issue 2 December 2017

| December 7, 2017

Asian ESP Journal Volume 13 Issue 2 December 2017

  1. Roger Nunn & David Young
  2. David P. Shea
    Shifting Positions: The Development of Textual Features and Academic Voice in a University Writing Seminar
  3. Monica Broido and Daniel Portman
    Building Bridges, Creating Competencies: ESP capacity building for the Israeli information technology industry
  4. Weiyu Zhang and Yin Ling Cheung
    Understanding ENGAGEMENT resources in constructing voice in research articles in the fields of computer networks and communications and second language writing
  5. Hjalmar P. Hernandez, Arceli M. Amarles, and Ma. Concepcion Y. Raymundo
    Blog-assisted feedback: Its affordances in improving College ESL students’ Academic writing skills
  6. I-Chia Chou
    The effects of explicit academic vocabulary instruction in an English-mediated Educational Psychology on EFL learners’ content knowledge
  7. Biook Behnam and Amir Nikoukhesal
    A Contrastive Study of Move Structure in the Introduction Section of Physical versus Social Sciences Research Articles in English

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Category: 2017 AESP, AESPJ