Asian ESP Journal Volume 16 Issue 6.2 December 2020
- Bahrani, Eny Syatriana, Nihla Afdaliah, Syamsinar and Bambang Supriadi
A Method to Push Students’ Speaking Ability in English Foreign Language Classroom - Ike Revita and Rovika Trioclarise
Politeness Strategies of Minangkabau Ethnic in Indonesia - Rasib Mahmood, Musa Ahmed Musa Elhassan, Tariq Rasheed and Shouket Ahmad Tilwani
Learning Oral Communication Skills through Dramatic Dialogues: A Case Study of Graduates of Pakistani Universities - Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Eusob Ali Ahmed and Venugopal Koppada
Scholastic Performance in English between Tribal and Non-Tribal Students of Senior Secondary Level in Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) of Assam State, India - Sadia Ali, Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Usman Ghani
The ‘English’ Problem: MD Analysis of Reporting World in South Asian Newspapers - Motasim O. Almwajeh and Mohammad H. Alshehab
Correcting the Wrongs of the Past: Ethics of Love and Continuity Countering the Abstraction and Erasure of the Other in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things - I Made Rai Jaya Widanta, Putu Dyah Hudiananingsih, Anak Agung Raka Sitawati and I Wayan Dana Ardika
Explicit Inputs and Concept Mastery: A Case in Indonesian Language for Foreigners (ILF) Instruction - Sayed M. Ismail Mousa
Translating Cultural Markers and Najdi Dialects in Contemporary Saudi Novels from a Skopos Theory Perspective - Mahdi R. Aben Ahmed
The Efficiency of Task-Based Learning Approach (TBL) on Developing Saudi EFL Communication Skills - Menia Mohammad Almenia and Majed Abdullah Alharbi
Voice in L2 Academic Writing: Critical Insights from Previous Literature Review - Farooq A. AlTameemy, Yasser Alrefaee and Fahd Shehail Alalwi
Using Blackboard as a Tool of E-Assessment in Testing Writing Skill in Saudi Arabia - Arnel R. Madrazo and Ramon S. Medriano. Jr.
Screentime is not that Detrimental: Evidence Corresponded to Young Adults’ Mental Health and Academic Performance - Melodina V. Francisco
Inter-Agency Collaborative Juvenile Justice and Welfare Programs: An Ethno-Linguistics Approach - Helengrace A. Lao and Kent Adnil C. Lao
The Consequence of Communicative Mentoring Program of Teacher-Mentees in Zamboanga City Primary Schools
Category: 2020 AESPJ, AESPJ